20 questions and answers about fasting
1- What is the ruling on using perfume during the day in Ramadan?
Dar Al-Iftaa: It is permissible for fasting of person to wear perfume during the day in Ramadan, and there is nothing wrong with that, taking into account that nothing of the perfume reaches his stomach.
2- What is the ruling of using Nasal drops, or nasal spray, ear, nose?
Dar Al-Iftaa: Putting drops in the nose or ear or using nasal sprays invalidates the fast. If nothing of that didn’t reach the throat or the head, if didn’t reache something from that to the throat, there is nothing wrong with that
3- Is it permissible for fasting of the person to wash his teeth with water and fast during fasting?
Dar Al-Iftaa: It is permissible to use water and toothpaste to clean the teeth during the day in Ramadan, as long as nothing of that enters the stomach. Because something that spoils the fast is when something enters the stomach from an open outlet, and it is better if it is not during the hours of fasting in order to avoid whispers and satanic dangers.
4- What is the ruling of moisturizing cream for the skin and nourishing oil for hair during fasting?
Al-Azhar fatwas: These things do not break the fast; Because it is not from the lust of the stomach and the lust of the vagina that the fasting person is prevented from.
5- What is the ruling of delaying the ghusl for a menstruating woman until after dawn in Ramadan?
does not invalidate her fast. But, She must hurry to wash.
6- What is the ruling of Ramadan fasting for pregnant and breastfeeding women?
Al-Azhar fatwas: If a pregnant or breastfeeding woman breaks her fast out of fear for her child, it is better.But, she must repeat the day after Ramadan.
7- What is the ruling of someone who fasts Ramadan and does not pray. Does he break his fast and is he not rewarded because of this?
Iftaa: Whoever fasts and does not pray, his fast is valid and the obligation is waived. Because prayer is not a condition for the validity of the fast, But he has sinned with Allah from the point of view of his neglecting to pray and committing a major sin, and he must hasten to repent to God Almighty.
8- What is the ruling of the husband kissing his wife during the day in Ramadan?
Iftaa: Kissing the wife with the intention of obtaining pleasure is makrooh during fasting of the person, and the kiss is forbidden, and kissing is not makrooh if it is not intended for pleasure. Such as the intention of mercy or farewell, unless the fasting person does not control himself.
9- Whoever sleeps more during the day in Ramadan, Does he break his fast?
Fatwa: Sleeping more in Ramadan does not invalidate the fast, rather the fasting person slept the whole day, so his fast is valid, except that he may have missed out on a great merit.
10- A Muslim woman who fasts and does not adhere to the dress that God Almighty has commanded her according to Islam. Does Allah accept her prayers?
Iftaa: A Muslim woman who fasts and does not adhere to the dress that God Almighty has commanded her according to Islam. She is good by her fasting, but she is abusive by leaving her obligatory veil.
11- Does the doctor looking at the private parts of the patient invalidate the fast?
Al-Azhar fatwas: looking does not invalidate the fast
12- The atomizer for patients with asthma and chest allergies, does it break the fast or not?
Iftaa: Sprays used in such cases break the fast for the fasting person. That it is possible to have disease in an atmosphere of an atmosphere, it is an atmosphere of disease. did in it.
13- Insulin during fasting.
Iftaa: There is no legal objection to taking insulin injections under the skin during fasting. Fasting with it is valid
14- When a woman is fasting do you taste food while fasting?
The fasting person’s tasting if the food does not reach his stomach, and it is permissible and not makrooh if there is a need for the cook who gets up and finishes the food.
15- Ruling of delaying the ritual ablution after sunrise in Ramadan
It is permissible to delay the ghusl from impurity until dawn breaks in Ramadan, but it is not permissible to delay ghusl until after sunrise; So that, he does not leave the prayer.
16- What is the ruling of not rinsing the mouth for the fasting person for fear of water reaching the throat?
The fasting person should not leave his mouth during ablution without rinsing, on the pretext of fearing that water will reach the throat, because rinsing the mouth is a Sunnah in ablution, and for the fasting person, and others.
17- Is fasting only for the stomach and vagina, or for the body parts ?
Answer: The members of the body are also fast by leaving what Allah has forbidden of sins, so he does not touch with his hand what Allah has forbidden, and he does not touch with his mouth what God has forbidden, and he does not look with his eyes at what Allah has forbidden, and he does not walk with his foot to what Allah has forbidden.
18- Is it permissible to eat suhoor with the starting of calling to Al Fajr?
Answer: The Sunnah is to delay the suhoor until the end of the night, but it should be presented before the calling to prayer so that, the one who has had the pre-dawn meal has finished before the calling to prayer.
19- What is the ruling if the menstruation comes at the time of Iftar?
Answer: Yes, if she did not see blood until after sunset after breaking her fast, even with water – meaning after sunset – then her fast is valid even if she did not pray Maghrib, as long as the sunsets and she did not see the usual.
20- What is the ruling of watching movies and TV and playing cards during the day in Ramadan?
Answer: It is obligatory for those who fast and other Muslims to fear Allah, Glory be to Him, in what they come and leave at all times , and to beware of what Allah has forbidden them of watching pornographic films that show what Allah has forbidden, such as nude semi-nude pictures, and reprehensible articles.
Virtues of the Qur'an
Learning the Holy Qur’an is one of the most honorable doors of calling to Allah – Almighty, in addition to distinguishing the learner of the Holy Qur’an with the eloquence of the tongue and the proper pronunciation of the Arabic letters. By extracting each letter from its natural articulation point. The great merit of teaching the Holy Qur’an has been mentioned in many authentic hadiths, the most famous of which is the saying of the Messenger of Allah- PBUH- (The best among you is he who learns and teaches the Qur’ān”). So, teaching the Holy Qur’an is the most honorable and best of sciences. Because it is speech of Allah- Almighty, And the herald to good is the one who works with the Qur’an and it is remunerated from his Lord, Also, the benefit obtained from teaching the Holy Qur’an is considered one of the ongoing benefit whose reward reaches its owner even after his death. And the Messenger of Allah- PBUH – was keen on teaching the Holy Quran to his friends and He did not hesitate to convey to them the Qur’anic verses that were revealed to him, in compliance with saying the Almighty: (يَا أَيُّهَا الرَّسُولُ بَلِّغْ مَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكَ مِن رَّبِّكَ وَإِن لَّمْ تَفْعَلْ فَمَا بَلَّغْتَ رِسَالَتَهُ) And because the Quran the best books and Och Arfha was incumbent upon the nation of the Quran to spare effort in learning and education, and the Jalis A-l Quran Whether he is a teacher, a learner, a reader, or a memorizer; his soul it will be purified, his morals will be are transcendent, and the best of all that he becomes one of the Ahl Al- Qur’an. The Messenger of Allah said (“Allah has His own people among mankind.’ They said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, who are they?’ He said: ‘The people of the Qur’an, the people of Allah and those who are closest to Him “), the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) Said: “Indeed, the one who does not have the Qur’an inside him (his heart), is like the ruined house.”